Municipal Court

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North Las Vegas Municipal Court
2332 Las Vegas Blvd. North, Suite 100
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
Phone: (702) 633-1130
Fax: (702) 399-6296 (Court Clerks)
Fax: (702) 633-1565  (Judge)
Email Form Link

Court Administrator: Erin Tellez
Judge: Chris Lee
Judge: Courtney Ketter

Click here to access the Municipal Court case management system online to review cases or make a payment

Click Here to Enter a Plea on Your Traffic Citation

Welcome to the North Las Vegas Municipal Court website. The Municipal Court has jurisdiction over traffic violations and misdemeanor offenses occurring within the city limits of North Las Vegas. For information regarding Evictions, Small Claims, or Protective Orders, please contact the North Las Vegas Justice Court at 455-7801.

Mission Statement

To provide a forum for fair and efficient adjudication of all matters brought before this court through continuous improvement of services, accessibility, and technology.

Purpose Statement

Provide access to the justice system in the most timely and expeditious manner possible and to deliver the court’s services with equality and fairness, honoring the integrity of each individual while recognizing the necessity of accountability and thereby creating public trust and confidence.